
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Fibonacci Sequence

Kiora bloggers welcome back to my blog today you will see my drawing of the Fibonacci Sequence which we have to do for maths week.

I reckon I did pretty well but I did do some bad curves.
Do you know what the Fibonacci Sequence is about?

Friday, August 21, 2020

Persuasive Writing

Kia ora bloggers! Welcome back to my blog today, you will see my start of my Persuasive writing which we have been learning in literacy.  It is about why kids should have phones.

Do you want a phone but your parents say you're too young?

Friday, August 14, 2020

Electronic synth

kiora bloggers welcome to my blog for my inquiry I am making my own digital music here is a link to my music if you type that into your search bar and it will take you to the song it took me a few sessions but I made it for a dance mix.

have you ever made music?

Friday, August 7, 2020

Word search

Kiora bloggers welcome back to my blog today I will show you a word find that I made in literacy all about fish and I think it went well with all the words and how it worked.

did you find all the words?